

Saturday, November 14, 2009

We still miss you Mum.. 19th Nov 1925 - 14th Nov 2006

Well, its hard to believe but its 3 years today, that my mother Juanita Gladys Ramsay, passed away
from Alzheimers and dementia,

 She was a wonderful lady and a great mother , and a great wife to my dad,
we will always remember you.. with lots of love

this is from her funeral book mark

"Thogh I have reached the end of my days, and the sun has set for me
No tears, just thoughts of the love we've shared
Which will live in your memory and I'll be there in your dream times too
Not aged nor with health impaired

for this is a journey we must all take ,after many or just a few years .
So use your days as best you can, to earn love and to care for others
So that when comes as a part of life
you will meet it with out any fears"

Maybe one day we'll be together again...